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WordPress Shortcode / Only works in classic editor, gutenberg error / invalid json response

I’m trying to allow authors to add TV charts in the articles. For this reason, I added the following shortcode:

function cikkek_shortcode($atts) {
$option = shortcode_atts(
        'url'     => '',
        'options' => '',

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var tradingview_embed_options = {};
tradingview_embed_options.width = '640';
tradingview_embed_options.height = '400';
tradingview_embed_options.chart = '<?php echo $option['options']; ?>';
new TradingView.chart(tradingview_embed_options);
<p><a href="<?php echo $option['url']; ?>">
add_shortcode( 'cikkekembed', 'cikkek_shortcode' );

I created an article and input the following as a test:

[cikkekembed url=' options='MRrFdJON']

1 -> Boom, I got an invalid json response. I read a bit online and if I understood correctly, a shortcode inside a HTML tag is not possible?

2 -> Anyway, I tried taking some stuff out, but it didn’t help, so I thought it might not be related to that

3 -> Installed classic editor, the shortcode works like a charm.

How can I get this working in Gutenberg?
