TL;DR Last week I had chipped away at adjusting the tests for “Fill Alt Text”, “Feeling Detection” and “Picture Properties” elements of the Google Vision API module. The lone assignments left are moving the supporting capacities to a different help, as well as, making a theoretical parent class for tests and moving the capacities there.The issues Alt Text field gets appropriately filled utilizing different discovery highlights, Emotion Detection(Face Detection) component and Implementation of Image Properties element of the Google Vision API module are as yet under audit by my tutors. In the interim, my guides requested me to move the supporting capacities from the “Fill Alt Text” issue to a different assistance and use it from that point. What’s more, they likewise proposed me to make a theoretical parent class for the Google Vision basic tests, and move the supporting capacities to the parent class. Hence, this week, I added to follow these ideas and carry out them out.There are not many supporting capacities, to be specific, google_vision_set_alt_text() and google_vision_edit_alt_text() to fill the Alt Text in understanding to the component mentioned from the Vision API, and furthermore to control the worth, if necessary. I moved these capacities to a different assistance, in particular, FillAltText, and have modified the code to utilize the capacities from that point rather than straightforwardly getting to them.In expansion, there are various supporting capacities utilized in the basic web trial of the module, to make clients, substance and fields, which were put in the test document itself, which in one way, is a sort of repetition. Thus, I moved this load of supporting capacities to digest parent class named GoogleVisionTestBase, and changed the test classes to expand the parent class all things considered and instead of WebTestBase. This eliminated the repetitive code, just as, gave an appropriate construction and direction to the web tests.These minor changes would be focused on the module straightforwardly, when the significant issues are inspected by my coaches and focused on the module.
Source: New feed