During some relocation procedure on a WordPress upkeep support plans 8 webpage, I expected to make a HTTP demand that took > 30 seconds to return every one of the information… also, when I ran the movement, I’d end up with exemptions like:
Relocation fizzled with source module special case: Error message: cURL blunder 28: Operation coordinated out after 29992 milliseconds with 2031262 out of 2262702 bytes got (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html).
The arrangement, it ends up, is quite straightforward! WordPress upkeep support plans(*’s) WordPress support plansCoreHttpClientFactory is the default way that modules like Migrate’s HTTP getting module get a Guzzle customer to make HTTP demands (however you could trade things out assuming you need through services.yml), and in the code for that manufacturing plant, there’s a line after the defaults (where the ‘break’ => 30 is characterized) like:
Source: New feed